
Browse through all our events and find something you like! Or check which events your friends like! Go and create new memories in your life!

Save Your Favorites

Found an interesting event? Bookmark it to easily find it in the future. And don't forget to register and attend it!

Your Ticket Anywhere

Throw away all the embarrasing memories of forgetting your ticket. With our ACCUPASS mobile application your ticket is always with you! Never forget your ticket again!

1. Create an Event

Easily Create Your Own Event Page

You can add all your event details, upload logos, pictures, and even add videos !

Sell Tickets

We support many ways to pay for your tickets. Let your participants choose what is convenient for them.

2. Stay Updated

Keep everyone updated

Instantly send an email or a text message to your participants.

Sold Out Already?

See realtime status of your tickets and adjust when necessary.

3. Manage Your Event

Instantly Check Tickets

Fast and simple check-in, just scan our QR code.

See All Your Participants

Immediately see all your participants in our App or on the web.




Under 600 Participants

5%+NT$10 / Ticket

Create an Event Now



601 - 1200 Participants

5%+NT$10 / Ticket

Create an Event Now


NTCall Us

Over 1200 Participants

5%+NT$10 / Ticket

VIP Price