Champagne Egly-Ouriet VIP Dinner 香檳晚宴
2017.10.20 (Fri) 18:30 - 22:00 (GMT+8)
Refund policy
Contact name:
2017年十月六日17:59 前可申請取消報名並酌收10%手續費,2017年十月六日18:00以後恕不接受任何形式之退費或折抵其他用途之消費金額,僅接受名額轉讓。申請辦法請詳閱活動說明。
Booking Notice
Please note that you should complete your current order before creating next. In order to protect customer rights and prevent ticket hoarding, one user can only create one order at the same time. If multiple orders are created by different windows at the same time, only the last order is reserved by the system while the other incomplete orders are cancelled. Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
Please pick tickets
NT$ 6500 x0
More Info
Sale Ends
Booking Available
2017.07.24 (Mon) 14:54 - 10.13 (Fri) 16:00
Valid Date
2017.10.20 (Fri) 18:30 - 22:00